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Field reference

You can access individual fields either by field_id or more likely by the human-readable external_id. The Values property of ItemField object is dynamic. We have created an abstraction to access and set values as strongly typed objects.

Below you’ll find examples for getting and setting field values for each of the fields available in Podio.

App reference field

Getting values

Values are returned as a list of PodioAPI.Models.Item object:

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A App reference field with external_id 'related-items'
AppItemField appField = item.Field<AppItemField>("related-items");
IEnumerable<Item> relatedItems = appField.Items;

Setting values

For setting values for field type App reference, you need assign the item_id’s:

Item myNewItem = new Item();

//An App reference field with external_id 'app-reference'
var appReferenceField = myNewItem.Field<AppItemField>("app-reference");
//Set Item id's to reference
appReferenceField.ItemIds = new List<int>
    1234, 4568

Calculation field

Getting values

Value is provided as type float?.

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Calculation field with external_id 'calculation'
CalculationItemField calculationField = item.Field<CalculationItemField>("calculation");
float? number = calculationField.Value;

Calculation fields are read-only. It’s not possible to modify the value.

Category field & Question field

Getting values

Category and Question fields function in the same manner. Values are provided as an list of options.

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Category field with external_id 'categories'
CategoryItemField categoryField = item.Field<CategoryItemField>("categories");
IEnumerable<CategoryItemField.Option> categories = categoryField.Options;

// A Question field with external_id 'question'
QuestionItemField questionField = item.Field<QuestionItemField>("question");
IEnumerable<CategoryItemField.Option> answers = questionField.Options;

Setting values

Set a single value by using the OptionId.

Item myNewItem = new Item();
var categoryField = myNewItem.Field<CategoryItemField>("categories");

// Set value to a single option
categoryField.OptionId =  2;  //option_id: 2

Use OptionIds to set multiple values

Item myNewItem = new Item();

var categoryField = myNewItem.Field<CategoryItemField>("categories");
categoryField.OptionIds = new List<int> { 4, 5, 6 }; // option_ids: 4, 5 and 6

Contact field

Getting values

Values are returned as a List of PodioAPI.Models.Contact objects:

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Contact field with external_id 'client'
ContactItemField contactField = item.Field<ContactItemField>("client");
IEnumerable<Contact> contacts = contactField.Contacts;

Setting values

Setting value to field type Contact can be done by setting profile_id’s

Item myNewItem = new Item();

var contactField = myNewItem.Field<ContactItemField>("contacts");

// Set the profile id's of the contacts
contactField.ContactIds = new List<int> { 3254, 89745 };

Date field

Getting values

Date field values have two components: The start date and the end date. You can also access date and time sections individually. This is often preferred as the time component will be null for events without time.

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Date field with external_id 'deadline-date'
DateItemField dateField = item.Field<DateItemField>("deadline-date");
DateTime? date = dateField.Start; //Nullable DateTime
DateTime? endDate = dateField.End; //Nullable DateTime

string startTime =  dateField.StartTime; // Time as string else null
string endTime =  dateField.EndTime; // Time as string else null

Setting values

To set values you can assign value to Start and End properties.

Item myNewItem = new Item();

//A Date field with external_id 'deadline-date'
var dateField = myNewItem.Field<DateItemField>("deadline-date");
dateField.Start = DateTime.Now;
dateField.End = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2);

Duration field

Getting values

Progress fields return TimeSpan representing the duration in seconds.

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Duration field with external_id 'duration'
DurationItemField durationField = item.Field<DurationItemField>("duration");
TimeSpan? timeSpan = durationField.Value;

Setting values

Simply assign Value property of type TimeSpan to set the value

Item myNewItem = new Item();

// A Duration field with external_id 'duration'
DurationItemField durationField = item.Field<DurationItemField>("duration");
durationField.Value = new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0);

Email field

Getting values

Values are returned as a List of PodioAPI.Utils.ItemFields.EmailPhoneFieldResult object:

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// An Email field with external_id 'email'
EmailItemField emailField = item.Field<EmailItemField>("email");
IEnumerable<EmailPhoneFieldResult> emails = emailField.Value;

Setting values

Simply assign Value property with a List of PodioAPI.Utils.ItemFields.EmailPhoneFieldResult

Item myNewItem = new Item();

// An Email field with external_id 'email'
EmailItemField emailField = item.Field<EmailItemField>("email");
emailField.Value = new List<EmailPhoneFieldResult>
    new EmailPhoneFieldResult { Type = "work", Value = "" },
    new EmailPhoneFieldResult { Type = "home", Value = "" },

Image field

Getting values

Values are returned as a List of PodioAPI.Models.FileAttachment objects:

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Image field with external_id 'image'
ImageItemField imageField = item.Field<ImageItemField>("image");
IEnumerable<FileAttachment> images = imageField.Images;

foreach (var file in images)
    int fileId = file.FileId;
    string fileUrl = file.Link;

    // You can download and save to a file
    FileResponse fileResponse = podio.FileService.DownloadFile(file);
    string filePath = Server.MapPath("/Images/" + file.Name);

    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, fileResponse.FileContents);

Setting values

Setting value can be done by setting a list of file_id’s to FileIds property. You have to upload a file to get a file_id to use.

// Upload file
var filePath = Server.MapPath("\\files\\report.pdf");
var uploadedFile = podio.FileService.UploadFile(filePath, "report.pdf");

// Set FileIds
Item myNewItem = new Item();
ImageItemField imageField = myNewItem.Field<ImageItemField>("image");
imageField.FileIds = new List<int>{uploadedFile.FileId};

Link/Embed field

Getting values

Values are returned as a List of PodioAPI.Models.Embed objects:

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Link field with external_id 'link'
EmbedItemField embedField = item.Field<EmbedItemField>("link");
IEnumerable<Embed> embeds = embedField.Embeds;

//Get url of the first link
string url = embeds.First().OriginalUrl;

Setting values

Setting value to EmbedItemField can be done by calling AddEmbed method and passing in the embed_id. You will need to create the embed first.

Item myNewItem = new Item();

// Creating an embed
var embed = podio.EmbedService.AddAnEmbed("");

// Embed/Link field with with external_id 'link'
var embedField = myNewItem.Field<EmbedItemField>("link");

Location/Google Maps field

Getting values

Location fields return an list of strings (addresses)

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Location field with external_id 'location'
LocationItemField locationField = item.Field<LocationItemField>("location");
IEnumerable<string> locations = locationField.Locations;

Setting values

Set values using an array of locations

Item myNewItem = new Item();

//A Location field with external_id 'location'
 var locationField = myNewItem.Field<LocationItemField>("location");
locationField.Locations = new List<string> 
  "650 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94103",
  "Vesterbrogade 34, 1620 Copenhagen, Denmark"

Money field

Getting values

Money field values have two components: The amount and the currency. You can access these through properties.

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Money field with external_id 'price'
MoneyItemField moneyField = item.Field<MoneyItemField>("price");
decimal? number = moneyField.Value;
string currency = moneyField.Currency; // E.g. "USD"

Setting values

You can simply assign values to Currency and Value properties to set the value.

Item myNewItem = new Item();

//A Money field with external_id 'money'
var moneyField = myNewItem.Field<MoneyItemField>("money");
moneyField.Currency = "EUR";
moneyField.Value = 250.50M;

Number field

Getting values

The value of a number is of type double?.

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Number field with external_id 'number'
NumericItemField numberField = item.Field<NumericItemField>("number");
double? number = numberField.Value;

Setting values

Simply assign Value property to set the value.

Item myNewItem = new Item();

NumericItemField numberField = myNewItem.Field<NumericItemField>("number");
numberField.Value = 567.89;

Phone field

Getting values

Values are returned as a List of PodioAPI.Utils.ItemFields.EmailPhoneFieldResult object:

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Phone field with external_id 'phone'
PhoneItemField phoneField = item.Field<PhoneItemField>("phone");
IEnumerable<EmailPhoneFieldResult> emails = phoneField.Value;

Setting values

Simply assign Value property with a List of PodioAPI.Utils.ItemFields.EmailPhoneFieldResult

Item myNewItem = new Item();

// A Phone field with external_id 'phone'
PhoneItemField phoneField = item.Field<PhoneItemField>("phone");
phoneField.Value = new List<EmailPhoneFieldResult>
    new EmailPhoneFieldResult { Type = "mobile", Value = "9847071777" },
    new EmailPhoneFieldResult { Type = "home", Value = "8954621419" },

Progress field

Getting values

Progress fields return a integer between 0 and 100.

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// A Progress field with external_id 'progress'
ProgressItemField progressField = item.Field<ProgressItemField>("progress");
int? progress = progressField.Value;

Setting values

Simply assign a new integer to set the value

Item myNewItem = new Item();

// A Progress field with external_id 'progress'
ProgressItemField progressField = myNewItem.Field<ProgressItemField>("progress");
progressField.Value = 70;

Text field

Getting values

Text fields return a regular string

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123);

// Text field with external_id 'title'.
TextItemField titleField = item.Field<TextItemField>("title");
string text = titleField.Value;

Setting values

Simply assign the new string to set the value

Item myNewItem = new Item();

//A Text field with external_id 'title'
var textfield = myNewItem.Field<TextItemField>("title");
textfield.Value = "This is a text field";