You have found the official C# client library for Podio. It covers all core aspects of the Podio API.

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Working with Podio items

Apps and app items form the core of podio. With this client library we have made it easy as possible to read and manipulate app items.

Individual items

Get an item

There are multiple ways to get a single item from the API. All result in a PodioAPI.Models.Item object. Which one you should use depends on what data you have available and how much data you need returned.

If you have the item_id you can use either GetItem() or GetItemBasic() method in ItemService . The first will return all auxiliary data about the item but is slower, the latter returns no auxiliary data.

// Get only data about the item
var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123); // Get item with item_id = 123
// Get item and auxiliary data such as comments
var item = podio.ItemService.GetItem(123); // Get item with item_id=123

If you have assigned an external_id to an item you can get the item by providing that external_id. Since external_ids are not unique you need to provide the app_id as well.

// Get item by external_id

var appId = 456;
var externalId = "my_sample_external_id";

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemByExternalId(appId, externalId);

In a similar fashion each item in an app has a short numeric id called app_item_id. These are unique within the app, but not globally unique. It’s the numeric id you can see in the URL when viewing an item on podio. You can also get an item by providing an app_id and the app_item_id.

// Get item by app_item_id

var appId = 456;
var appItemId = 1;

var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemByAppItemId(appId, appItemId);

The final option is to resolve an item URL and create an item that way. This is useful in cases where you only have the browser’s URL to work with (e.g. when creating browser extensions or when you are asking users to copy and paste URLs into your app).

// Get item by resolving its URL

string url = "";

// Resolve URL to a reference
var reference = podio.ReferenceService.ResolveURL(url);

// Create item from reference
var item = reference.Data.ToObject<PodioAPI.Models.Item>();

Item fields

The most interesting part of an item is the Fields property. Here the values for the item are found. If you’re doing any work with items it’s likely that you’re modifying fields in one way or another.

Iterating over all fields

If you just want see all fields you can iterate over them.

// Get an item to work on
var item = podio.ItemService.GetItemBasic(123); // Get item with item_id = 123

// Iterate over the field collection
foreach (ItemField field in item.Fields)
    Response.Write("This field has the id: " + field.FieldId);
    Response.Write("This field has the external_id: " + field.ExternalId);

Get field values

You can access individual fields either by field_id or more likely by the human-readable external_id. The Values property of ItemField object is dynamic. We have created an abstraction to access and set values as strongly typed objects.

Here’s how to get and set values of different type of item fields Item field examples.

Create item

To create a new item from scratch you create a new Item without an item_id, add the field values and use ‘ItemService.AddNewItem’ method with the created item and app_id as parameter. Here is an example:

Item myNewItem = new Item();

//A Text field with external_id 'title'
var textfield = myNewItem.Field<TextItemField>("title");
textfield.Value = "This is a text field";

//A Date field with external_id 'deadline-date'
var dateField = myNewItem.Field<DateItemField>("deadline-date");
dateField.Start = DateTime.Now;
dateField.End = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2);

int itemId = podio.ItemService.AddNewItem(appId, myNewItem);

Modifying items

Updating items are handled exactly the same way as creating items. The only difference is you need to set the ItemId property of Item object. Values will only be updated for fields included. If you need to remove the value from a field, just initialize the field and dont set the value. This will update the value of textfield ‘title’ and empty the value of date field ‘deadline-date’. Here is an example:

Item itemToUpdate = new Item();

itemToUpdate.ItemId = 12345; // The item_id of the item you need to update.

//A Text field with external_id 'title'
var textfield = itemToUpdate.Field<TextItemField>("title");
textfield.Value = "This is a an updated value";

//A Date field with external_id 'deadline-date'
var dateField = itemToUpdate.Field<DateItemField>("deadline-date");


To update the item values for a specific field you can use ItemService.UpdateItemFieldValues method. Example Usage: Updating a text field

Item item = new Item();
item.ItemId = 12345;
var textfield = item.Field<TextItemField>("title");
textfield.Value = "My updated title";
var newRevisionId = podio.ItemService.UpdateItemFieldValues(item);

Item collections

One of the most common operations is getting a collection of items from an app, potentially with a filter applied. For this you can use ItemService.FilterItems(). It returns a PodioCollection<Item> which has two additional properties: filtered (total amount of items with the filter applied) and total (total amount of items in the app).

var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(123);

Response.Write("The collection contains" + filteredItems.Items.Count() + " items");
Response.Write("There are " + filteredItems.Total + " items in the app in total");
Response.Write("There are " + filteredItems.Filtered + " items with the current filter applied");

// Output the title of each item
foreach (var item in filteredItems.Items)

Sorting items

You can sort items by various properties. See a full list in the API reference.

// Sort by last edit date for the items, descending
var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId:123, sortBy: "last_edit_on", sortDesc: true);


Important: You can use both field_id and external_id when filtering items. The examples below all use field_id for brevity.

You can filter on most fields. Take a look at the API reference for a full list of filter options. When filtering on app fields use the field_id or external_id as the key for your filter. Some examples below:

// Category: Only items with "FooBar" in category field value
string categoryFieldId = "1";
var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {categoryFieldId, new string[]{"FooBar"} }
var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId: 123, filters: filter);
// Number: Only items within a certain range
// Same concept for calculation, progress, duration & money fields
string numberFieldId = "2";
var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {numberFieldId, new { from = 100, to = 200} }
var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId: 123, filters: filter);
// App reference: Only items that has a specific reference
string appReferenceFieldId = "3";

// Item id to filter against
int filterTargetItemId = 1234567;

var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {appReferenceFieldId, new int[]{filterTargetItemId} }
var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId: 123, filters: filter);
// Contact: Only items that has a specific contact set
string contactFieldId = "4";

// Item id to filter against
int filterTargetProfileId = 123456789;

var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {contactFieldId, new int[]{filterTargetProfileId} }
var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId: 123, filters: filter);
// Date: Date within a certain range
string dateFieldId = "5";

// Item id to filter against
int filterTargetProfileId = 123456789;

var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {dateFieldId, from = new DateTime(2013, 9, 1), to = new DateTime(2013, 9, 30) }
var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId: 123, filters: filter);
// Combining multiple filters
string numberFieldId = "2";
string textFieldId = "7";
var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>
    {numberFieldId, new { from = 100, to = 200} },
    {textFieldId, "Support" }
var filteredItems = podio.ItemService.FilterItems(appId: 123, filters: filter);